Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We're Back From Ireland!

I'm back on US soil...  and it felt great to sleep in my bed Saturday night!  As great as it was to return home and celebrate Easter with Karen, my mind and heart has returned to Ireland numerous times the past several days.  The 3rd Annual Anders Forsbrand Ireland Junior Golf Camp was wonderful!  It is awesome to reflect upon the Lord's provision and how He truly blessed the prayers of His people.

For those of you who joined us in praying for this camp through the daily FourteenIreland posts, thank you!  Your prayers and partnership mean more than you know!  I look forward to sharing specific details about the trip with you.  Keep your eyes peeled for a letter in the mail and on this blog in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, enjoy the camp photos below.  I encourage you to check back often, as I will be adding pictures to this slideshow as the FCA Golf team members send me their photos.

 You are loved,

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ireland: Here we come!

Today's the day!  The FCA Golf team is headed to Ireland!  Would you please pray for us today and tommorrow morning as we fly through the night?  Your commitment to supporting us and praying with us is SO appreciated! 

You are loved,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fourteen Ireland: Day #14

Day #14: Camp Staff

Today, Day #14...  Our final day!  If you made it to day fourteen, way to go!  Thanks for praying with us daily.  Your commitment means so much!  Tomorrow's the big day--the FCA Golf team will be leaving for Ireland!  Would you join us today in praying for all camp staff?

Please pray for everyone's attitude.  Pray that staff would be all about the youth, ready and willing to serve them.  Pray that none of our efforts would be about ourselves, but rather Jesus Christ!  Pray that our presence amongst these youth would be marked by: honesty, sincerity, service and love.

I'll do my best to keep you updated on camp while in Ireland.  Also, I would encourage you to visit FCA Golf's site http://www.fcagolf.org/ for trip updates.  Regardless of how often I am able to update you about the week, know that you'll receive a full report upon my return!
Again, thank you for your prayers and support! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fourteen Ireland: Day #13

Day #13: Coaching Groups

Today, Day #13 of our fourteen day journey, would you join us in praying for Coaching Groups?  Below are pictures of Karen's group and my group from last year:

Coaching Groups, or "Huddles" as FCA calls them in the US, are small groups consisting of a leader and several campers.  Each camper is assigned to a group with other campers of similar age and same gender.  The purpose of these groups are to encourage discussion and understanding of how the Gospel applies to each of our lives.  For more information about coaching groups, see FCA's Huddles Overview (scroll down once the page has loaded).
Each day following lunch, campers will hear a short message about the day's topic (topics were shared in yesterday's post).  These messages are designed to get the campers talking and thinking--providing an excellent transition into our Coaching Groups, where leaders discuss with campers how the message that was shared applies to each of our own lives.

Please pray for our coaching group times.  Pray that the truth of God's Word would touch the heart's of each camper's life.  Pray that campers would see the Bible as a book that truly is relevant to every aspect of life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #12

Day #12: Bible Curriculum/Camp Theme

Today, Day #12 of our fourteen day journey, would you join me in praying for our Bible curriculum and camp theme: HOPE?

In addition to great instruction and plenty of golf, campers will hear a series of short messages getting them thinking about the topic of hope.  These messages will spur on further discussion that will take place in coaching groups (small discussion groups--more about this tomorrow).  The following four truths about hope will be shared throughout the week:

  • Monday: Honesty - Everyone can experience more hope in life by being honest about our purpose, our problem, and God's promise.
  • Tuesday: Openness - Everyone can have more hope in their life by accepting their helpless condition and asking how they can know God more.
  • Wednesday: Perspective - Perspective helps us recognize hope when we see it.  If we are willing to understand Jesus as a servant, friend, and King, it will change our perspective and bring us greater hope.
  • Thursday: Experience - Everyone can hope by experiencing faith through a relationship with Jesus, a deeper relationship with others, and an understanding of Heaven.

Each truth has been paired with a particular Bible story to expose campers to the truth of God's Word.  Please pray that these themes would be communicated clearly and that the Biblical truths shared would penetrate the hearts of each camper.

Monday, April 11, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #11

Day #11: Golf Instruction

Today, Day #11 of our fourteen day journey, would you join us in praying for the golf instruction at camp?  Below is a basic overview of our golf instruction curriculum:

click schedule to enlarge

Each day, instruction will begin with a clinic put on by Anders Forsbrand introducing (through demonstration and explanation) a particular aspect of the golf swing.  Following Anders' clinic, campers will split up into groups and rotate through various stations, covering all aspects of the game during the week.  Although it is our intention to instruct campers in the morning and get them out on the course in the afternoon, you may have noticed that the above schedule can easily be switched to the afternoon, should we need to adjust our plans.

Would you pray that campers would have fun becoming better players as they practice and learn next week?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #10

Day #10: Prepared Minds & Hearts

Today, Day #10 of our fourteen day journey, would you join us in praying for prepared minds and hearts?

In this final week as OM Ireland organizes, FCA Golf packs, and campers anticipate, would you pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts and minds of everyone involved?  Pray that campers' hearts would be softened to accept the message we'll bring.  Pray that OM Ireland and FCA Golf staff would be examples of Christ in the service and love we offer.

Thank you for your prayers!   

Saturday, April 9, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #9

Day #9: Our Schedule

Today, Day #9, of our fourteen day journey, would you join me in praying for our daily schedule?

click schedule to enlarge

As you can see, we're planning to accomplish a lot during our time in Ireland.  Each day will be extremely intentional and full!  At 1:30 pm, Monday through Thursday, campers will break out into small groups (we'll call them coaching groups) and discuss a different topic each day, relevant to the week-long theme of "HOPE".  You may have seen each day's topic listed on the schedule: honesty, openness, perspective and experience.  I will be sharing more information about our camp theme and Bible curriculum in upcoming FourteenIreland posts.  For more information about "coaching groups" and last year's camp theme, please see this page.

Again, would you join me in praying for our schedule?  I encourage you to use this schedule as a prayer guide during the week of camp.  Pray that there wouldn't be any unnecessary mishaps.  Pray that when flexibility in our schedule is needed, wisdom would be granted in how to properly adjust.   And lastly, pray that FCA Golf and OM Ireland would make the most out of the time we've been given with these youth!

Thank you for praying with us!  You're a blessing!  

Friday, April 8, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #8

Day #8: Lacken House

Today, Day #8, of our fourteen day journey, would you join me in praying for OM Ireland's Lacken House?

In addition to being FCA Golf's lodging for the week, the Lacken House serves at OM Ireland's headquarters.  The Lacken House property includes: 5 acres of land, a large office building with meeting rooms, a fully furnished 10 bedroom house, 4 self-catering chalets and another large building with potential for development.  

Would you pray with us that the Lacken House would be a place of rest and refreshment for both OM Ireland and FCA Golf during our week of camp?  Additionally, please pray that the Lacken House facilities would continue to serve OM Ireland and their ministry well.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #7

Day #7: Glasson Hotel & Golf Club

Today, Day #7, of our fourteen day journey, would you join us in praying for the Glasson Hotel & Golf Club

On Monday, April 18th, about 50 Irish youth will converge on the Glasson Hotel & Golf Club for FCA Golf's 3rd Annual Anders Forsbrand Ireland Junior Golf Camp.  The Glasson Hotel & Golf Club is a family owned, four-star hotel and club.  FCA Golf and OM Ireland are quite blessed to have access to such a great facility.

Would you pray for the facility, it's owners, and all the activities that will take place during the week of April 18th?  Also, pray that FCA Golf and OM Ireland would be able to deepen the relationships that already exist there.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #6

Day #6: FCA Golf Team

Today, Day #6, of our fourteen day journey, would you join us in praying for the FCA Golf Team

The FCA Golf team headed to Ireland in just 9 days is made up of FCA Golf staff, volunteers and past interns--all of which have experience in past FCA Golf Camps.  The 8 members of the team are spread all across the nation: Arizona, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and Virginia.

Would you praying for unity & cohesion amongst our team members?  Pray that friendships would be built and strengthened during, and as a result of, this camp.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #5

From April 18th-21st, 50 Irish youth will recieve professional golf instruction, enjoy wonderful competition, and experience engaging Bible teaching for about €100 ($150).  At that price, "Where can I sign up?" you may ask.

The truth of the matter is that without the generous and faithful partnership of many people, the Anders Forsbrand Ireland Junior Golf Camp wouldn't be a reality.  Today, Day #5, of our 14 day journey, would you join us in praying for camp fundraising

Thankfully, several costs associated with this camp have been underwritten by local sponsors in Ireland who partner with the ministry of OM Ireland.  In addition, the members of the FCA Golf team are thankful for those who have partnered with us to help underwrite the travel and lodging costs each of us incurs during our week in Ireland.  This camp truly could not happen without the Body of Christ coming together in support.

As camp is only 10 days away, would you join us in thanking God for his provision and pray that all of our camp costs would be covered?

Thank you!   

Monday, April 4, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #4

Day #4: Operation Mobilization Ireland

Today, Day #4, of our 14 day journey, I would like introduce you to Operation Mobilization (OM) Ireland, the ministry FCA Golf partners with in order to put on the Anders Forsbrand Ireland Junior Golf Camp.

OM Ireland is one of many ministries "under the umbrella" of Operation Mobilization International.  OM International has over 5,400 people serving in 110 countries worldwide to see lives and communities transformed.  Although the people working with OM come from different nations and backgrounds, they all have one thing in common: they love Jesus and want to share and demonstrate His love wherever they go.

OM teams have served in Ireland since the 1970s, but OM Ireland began in 2002 when Mike Mullins was asked to launch the work.  Imagine Christians in Ireland demonstrating and communicating the love of Jesus throughout the country.  Imagine seeing people's lives transformed and whole communities change for good.  Imagine churches in Ireland motivated, equipped and working together to bring about lasting change.  OM Ireland exists to see individuals and communities reconciled, transformed and mobilized to live and communicate the message of Jesus.

Would you join me in praying for the OM Ireland staff today?  These people are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus with all of Ireland everyday.  Would you also pray that the FCA Golf team could be an encouragement to them as we partner together to transform lives through the game of golf?

Thank you for praying with us! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #3

Today, Day #3, of our 14 day journey, I would like to share with you a bit about Ireland's spiritual climate. 

As you are probably already aware, there is freedom of religion in Ireland.  The Catholic Church has no official link with the country, though it has a strong, but waning, influence on all aspects of national life.  Click on the picture below for detailed information about the various religions and Christianity makeup of Ireland (taken from the book Operation World).

Ireland is a young country, with half of its population under 28 years old.  The youth's spiritual need is underlined by a dramatic rise in suicides, unwed mothers and marriage breakdowns over the past decade.  The unfoturnate reality is that there plenty of people living life with very little hope.

Thankfully, as Christians, we serve a God of hope.  And through the gift of His Son, Jesus, we have literally been given the Hope of the world.

During His time on earth, Christ said, "I came that they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of" (John 10:10).  Would you join us in praying that the youth of Ireland would get a glimpse into the life God has offered each and every one of us?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #2

Day #2: The Mullins Family


Today, Day #2 of our 14 day journey, I would like to introduce you to the Mullins Family.  In the picture on the left you see Mike and Aster Mullins, as well as their six children.  Andrew Mullins, their 17 month old son, is pictured on the right.

A little more than a month ago, Andrew was diagnosed with a stage-4 cancer know as Neuroblastoma.  This cancer is very agressive and has spread into his bones, spine, skull and stomach.  Since the diagnosis, Andrew has undergone a blood transfusion and several rounds of chemotherapy.

In the midst of all of this, Aster gave birth to their 6th child 4 weeks earlirer than her expected due date.  On March 16th, at 5:12 am, Grace Mullins was born and weighed a healthy 7 lbs!  I am extremely thankful to tell you all that she is doing great!

Obviously, I share this with you all so that you can keep the Mullins family in your prayers.  I also share this with you because Mike is the Director of Operation Mobilization (OM) Ireland, the ministry FCA Golf partners with in Ireland to put on the Ireland Junior Golf Camp.

Since meeting the Mullins family last year, I have deeply respected how strongly rooted their faith in Jesus is.  Over the past month and a half, Mike has made several comments (on a Facebook page he created to keep people informed on Andrew's condition) that have been a healthy and challenging reminder of where we all stand, regardless of our circumstances, when we hold on tightly to Jesus.  I'd like to share a few of these comments with you:

You know in many ways I think the Lord has been preparing us for this.  We may hurt and cry and feel pain like never before, but our world has not fallen apart because our Redeemer lives!

No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.

Even though the Mullins family has a difficult road to walk right now, they know that worry is a burden God never intended us to bear.  Just four days ago, Mike shared the following:

In His word, the Bible, God reminds us that He is walking with us and inviting us to hand over to Him our worries and burdens.  "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you," (1 Peter 5:7) and "God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).  What a comfort, what a Saviour.

Would you please pray for the Mullins family right now?  Would you also pray that our team could be an encouragement to them when we arrive in just two weeks?

If you'd like to follow Andrew's journey on the Facebook page Mike created, you can visit it by clicking the following link: Pray for Andrew Mullins (Ireland)

Thank you for partering with us!

Friday, April 1, 2011

FourteenIreland: Day #1

In just two weeks, seven others and I will be on our way to Ireland for FCA Golf's 3rd Annual Anders Forsbrand Ireland Junior Golf Camp.  From April 15th to 23rd, FCA Golf will share the Good News and hope of Jesus through professional golf instruction, excellent competition and engaging Bible teaching.  During last year's camp, two campers made decisions to make Jesus Lord and Savior of their lives.
Would you join me in praying for Ireland, the FCA Golf team, and the impact Christ will have through us in 2011 during the next fourteen days?
Today, Day #1, of our 14 day journey, please pray for Camp Registration.  Although there are campers already registered, there are several who have not yet signed up.  I would even go as far as to say that there are Irish youth out there who will be at this camp that haven't even heard about it yet.  But God knows who they are...
  • Pray for the youth who have already registered, as well as those who will...
  • Pray that God would bring the right youth to camp...
  • Pray that the Lord would prepare the minds and hearts of these campers in the upcoming days...
Thanks for standing with us in prayer!