Dear Mulligan Society,
How much things change in only a month's time! Last time I wrote, I shared about the arrival of our Mission 4:33 interns and the golf camps they all would be serving at this summer. Well an entire month has passed since that last post--and with it, an entire month of golf camps!! Can you believe we're already half way through the summer?
As much as I wish I had the time to tell you every detail about every camp taking place this summer, I've decided to share a few snippets from camps I've served at so far:
How much things change in only a month's time! Last time I wrote, I shared about the arrival of our Mission 4:33 interns and the golf camps they all would be serving at this summer. Well an entire month has passed since that last post--and with it, an entire month of golf camps!! Can you believe we're already half way through the summer?
As much as I wish I had the time to tell you every detail about every camp taking place this summer, I've decided to share a few snippets from camps I've served at so far:
FCA Golf's Florida Junior Golf Camp
For my second year, I had the opportunity to direct the 2012 Florida Junior Golf Camp, held June 11th-15th at The Palencia Club in St. Augustine. This year's camp was made up of 23 youth from Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and Louisiana. 12 of these youth were past campers, having attended FCA Golf Camp at least once prior. All of the campers stayed busy from the moment they arrived--growing in their knowledge of Jesus Christ, bettering their golf games, and having a ton of fun while doing it! Click the following links to see the Florida Golf Camp Schedule and Brochure. Also, enjoy this picture slideshow put together by one of FCA Golf's summer interns and Mission 4:33 team member:
FCA Golf's Indiana Junior Golf Camp
Also for my second year, I had the opportunity to attend the 2012 Indiana Junior Golf Camp, held June 24th-28th at the Indiana Golf Foundation's Gongaware Junior Golf Academy in Franklin. Whereas last year I attended as a huddle leader/counselor, this year I had the opportunity to direct the camp. Camp was made up of 23 youth from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and West Virginia. The highlight of the week was seeing one camper accept Christ as Lord of her life! Praise God!
Click the following links to see the Indiana Golf Camp Schedule and Brochure. Enjoy the Indiana Golf Camp picture slideshow the same summer intern and Mission 4:33 team member put together:
Many of us will hit the road again this Saturday to travel to Southern Pines, North Carolina for FCA Golf's North Carolina/Toby Mac Junior Golf Camp. My role at this camp will change slightly from Director to Huddle Leader Coordinator and Golf Instructor. I'm excited to have the opportunity to pour into the lives of our huddle leaders during the week and teach golf to the campers the Lord brings to us.
I can't tell you enough how thankful I am for your prayers and support. FCA Golf is truly a life-changing youth ministry. I'm continually amazed at how the Lord uses the game of golf as a platform to breath life into dead hearts when the gospel message is shared. Be encouraged by the words spoken from one of our Mission 4:33 team members who witnessed 4 campers accept Christ in her huddle at the Kutztown, Pennsylvania golf camp:
This camp helped me understand how crazy the Gospel message sounds. But the Gospel combined with God's Holy Spirit moving in our hearts makes it so simple, believable, and straightforward. Once you experience that, it makes it hard to ever go back to thinking Jesus' resurrection was pointless. I saw this happen in four of my campers, and it was beautiful. To see them ask for and receive mercy, love, and unending companionship reminded me of all those things. It's something I know, but sometimes I need to be kicked in the rear hard to be moved by them again.Your prayers and support, combined with God's power and Spirit, make all these things possible! Thank you for being my teammate!
You are loved,

P.S. If you'd like to financially support the ministry of FCA Golf, click here to learn how.