Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mission 4:33

Dear Mulligan Society,
FCA Golf offers a summer internship program for college golfers that is called Mission 4:33.  The name is based on Acts 4:33, "The apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of Jesus, and grace was on all of them."
The purpose of Mission 4:33 is to equip college golfers in Christian ministry through the game of golf.  This small team of college golfers will spend a long weekend of training with the FCA Golf staff in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL before moving out across the country to serve as Huddle Leaders(scroll down), camp counselors and assistants to the golf intructors at several of FCA Golf's 2011 camps.
Currently, I am interviewing potential Mission 4:33 team members.  The team will be comprised of 2 gals and 4 guys.  If you know of someone who could commit to a summer of service with FCA Golf, recommend them for this vital and valuable team by forwarding their contact information to me ASAP.  For your reference, I have included the Mission 4:33 Job Description.
Keep these college students in your prayers--that great grace would be on all of them as they interact with hundreds of kids this coming summer and share the good new of Jesus Christ!
You are loved,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ireland Golf Camp

Dear Mulligan Society,

In just under two months, I will be leading a team of ten others to Ireland for FCA Golf's 3rd Annual Anders Forsbrand Ireland Junior Golf Camp.  I don't think there could be a better time than NOW for FCA Golf to be headed to Ireland.  In addition to the numerous economic struggles the Irish have faced this past year, many of Ireland's youth look to the future with very little hope.  This is evidenced by a high rate of suicide among later teens and young men.  April 15th-23rd, FCA Golf will take golf to a country that loves the game more than our very own.  Through professional golf instruction, excellent competition and TONS OF FUN, the youth of Ireland will hear the great news of a loving God who has given our lives hope and meaning through His son, Jesus Christ.

Please pray for Ireland, our team and the impact Christ will have in and through us in during this camp.  Stay tuned for more posts about 2011's camp.  For more information about Ireland and last year's camp, visit the blog I created: http://www.golfandgod.blogspot.com/.

All of our Ireland team members are responsible for raising the funds necessary to cover their travel and lodging costs.  If you wish to help underwrite the cost of this camp by making a financial gift, visit FCA Golf's donate page, select my name, and note "Ireland" in the special instructions box.

You are loved,

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2011 FCA Golf Camp Theme

Dear Mulligan Society,

Let me introduce you to FCA's 2011 Camp Theme...

"Therefore let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah!" -Acts 2:36

There are moments in every game that determine the outcome.  These plays are known as gamechangers.  Sometimes these plays are made by individuals or by an entire team pulling together to turn a game around in one play.  Regardless, gamechangers always transform the entire momentum of the game.

Every Christian has his or her own spiritual gamechanging moments, just as the Bible contains many gamechanging moments that resulted in outstanding victories for God.  As we study the gamechanging moments in Acts, chapter 2, we find that every fully devoted follower of Christ has made at least four gamechanging plays that have transformed the outcome of their spiritual journey.  Each of these life-changing moments is rooted in relationships.  We'll discover and unpack these four key relationships during our time together at camp this summer.  Join me in praying that each camper would make a play for Jesus this summer and remember their time at camp as a key GAMECHANGER in their lives.

Daily Themes:

Day 1:  Gamechanging Play: Relationship with Christ (Acts 2:36-38)
Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is the ultimate gamechanging play in every person's life!  When Jesus becomes Lord, it determines not only the outcome of our life here on earth, but also our eternal life.  Where do you stand in your relationship with Christ?  Is He just someone you've heard about, or is He someone you have placed your faith in as your Savior?  The moment you make a commitment to Jesus Christ is the ultimate gamechanging play!

Day 2:  Gamechanging Stance: Relationship with Yourself (Acts 2:41-43)
Every athlete and coach knows that if you don't utilize a solid athletic stance, you will always be unstable and out of position to make a play.  It is critical in every sport to be balanced and ready during the entire course of the competition.  It is the same in our spiritual lives.  We must understand who God is and who we are.  He is Holy, the Creator of the Universe.  He is God.  When we understand who He really is and who we really are, we will bow down before Him in reverance and serve Him with all of our hearts.  The result is a gamechanging stance before God.

Day 3:  Gamechanging Team: Relationship with Christians (Acts 2:44)
Every professional team is made up of players who were chosen by the organization to compete for championships.  If the organization drafts poorly, the team is destined to fail.  If the team drafts wisely, they can set themselves on a course of championships for years to come.  Every Christian must come to a point when they make a commitment to "draft" championship players to be on their team.  This decision to surround yourself with other committed Christians as your close friends is a gamechanger.  Their support, encouragement and accountability are key turning points for every Christian.  Do you have a gamechanging team around you?

Day 4:  Gamechanging Goal: Relationship with the World (Acts 2:46-47)
All athletes, coaches and teams have performance goals in their sport.  These goals help define habits, attitudes and beliefs.  Goals provide a clear vision of where the athlete, coach or team wants to go.  What is the goal of a Christian when it comes to his or her relationship with a world that needs to know Christ?  The very moment a Christian decides to engage the world for Jesus Christ is a gamechanger for their life.  This goal changes ones' habits, attitudes and beliefs.  Our lives must reflect Jesus Christ in words and actions to those in our families, teams, schools and communities.  That is the ultimate gamechanging goal.