Today, Day #2, I would like to re-introduce many of you to the Mullins Family. In the picture on the left you see Mike and Aster Mullins, as well as their six children. Grace (their 1 year old daughter) and Andrew (their 2 and 1/2 year old son) are pictured on the right.
If you prayed with us last year, you probably remember that a little over a year ago Andrew was diagnosed with a stage-4 cancer know as Neuroblastoma. This type of cancer is very aggressive and had spread into his bones, spine, skull and stomach. Since the diagnosis over a year ago, Andrew has undergone blood transfusions, several rounds of chemotherapy, and other types of treatment.
And as all of this was taking place, Aster gave birth to their 6th child (exactly one year ago yesterday). Grace Mullins was born 4 weeks earlier than expected, but weighed a healthy 7 lbs!
Certainly, the entire Mullins family have been through quite a bit this past year. Would you join us in keeping the Mullins family in your prayers? Mike Mullins is the Director of Operation Mobilization (OM) Ireland, the ministry FCA Golf partners with in Ireland to put on the Ireland Junior Golf Camp. Since meeting the Mullins family a few years ago, I have grown to deeply respect how strongly rooted their faith in Jesus Christ really is.
Shortly after Andrew was diagnosed last year, Mike created a Facebook page to keep everyone informed of Andrew's condition--so that people would know how to pray. It has been an amazing testimony to God's love and grace as I've followed this family's journey over the past year. Mike has made several comments that have been a healthy reminder of where we all stand--regardless of our circumstances--when we hold on tightly to Jesus. Here are a few of his comments:
And as all of this was taking place, Aster gave birth to their 6th child (exactly one year ago yesterday). Grace Mullins was born 4 weeks earlier than expected, but weighed a healthy 7 lbs!
Certainly, the entire Mullins family have been through quite a bit this past year. Would you join us in keeping the Mullins family in your prayers? Mike Mullins is the Director of Operation Mobilization (OM) Ireland, the ministry FCA Golf partners with in Ireland to put on the Ireland Junior Golf Camp. Since meeting the Mullins family a few years ago, I have grown to deeply respect how strongly rooted their faith in Jesus Christ really is.
Shortly after Andrew was diagnosed last year, Mike created a Facebook page to keep everyone informed of Andrew's condition--so that people would know how to pray. It has been an amazing testimony to God's love and grace as I've followed this family's journey over the past year. Mike has made several comments that have been a healthy reminder of where we all stand--regardless of our circumstances--when we hold on tightly to Jesus. Here are a few of his comments:
You know in many ways I think the Lord has been preparing us for this. We may hurt and cry and feel pain like never before, but our world has not fallen apart because our Redeemer lives!
No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.
UNBELIEF cries and begs and pleads but FAITH speaks and shouts and jumps!
Thankfully, Andrew is making progress. Recently he has begun to put weight back on, wants to stand up more, and is talking a lot. His hair has begun to grow back too!
As the Mullins family continues to walk a difficult road, they know that worry is a burden God never intended anyone to bear. A few weeks ago, on the anniversary of Andrew's diagnosis (Feb. 25, 2012), Mike wrote the following:
This is not an anniversary we particularly want to celebrate but it is one that we will never forget.
This past year has flown by and we have seen and learned many things. We have laughed, cried and seen the miraculous. Every step of the way God has been with us and we can honestly say we know Him now in a much deeper way, unlike we have ever known Him before, praise God.
We've also made a lot of new friends along the way and we are so thankful to all who have followed Andrews progress and stood by us. You have encouraged us so much.
We encounter many who need healing and we've had wonderful opportunities to share with people what we've been learning such as the importance of knowing and standing on God's Word.
God is good! "March on my soul be strong" (Judges 5:21b). Onwards!!!
Would you please pray for the Mullins family right now? Would you also pray that our team could be an encouragement to them when we arrive in just two weeks?
If you'd like to follow Andrew's journey on the Facebook page Mike created, you can visit it by clicking the following link: Pray for Andrew Mullins (Ireland)
You are loved,
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